Tuesday, March 1, 2011

**I Wish Heaven Had A Phone**

Dear my sweet sweet Papa Bear,

I wish Heaven had a phone.
If it did, I could hear you every day.
I could hear you yell "Hey get out of my way,"
as the radio announcer reports play by play.
I could hear you telling those football players
"That ‘a way boy, or Hell boy, it’s not your day."
I wish Heaven had a phone.

I wish Heaven had a phone.
Then, the Salley family would never feel alone.
Momma Bear could talk about her new friends,
Dad could tell you about his adventurous hunts,
Uncle John could tell you stories about the boys,
Karol could hear your voice, and tell you all her joys.
I wish Heaven had a phone.

I wish Heaven had a phone.
I could have texted you yesterday and today too.
I would send you pictures that reminded me of you.
I would keep you posted with all the family news,
and I would lay down at  night smiling because I talked to you.
I wish Heaven had a phone.

If Heaven had a phone,
I am sorry Papa Bear, but
You would never be left alone.
If Heaven had a phone.


Your youngest Granddaughter,


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