Thursday, January 6, 2011

A New Year means a NEW BLOG.

I am officially a blogger! OK, I have to admit I was one of those people who swore up and down I would never resort to blogging. I mean come on, write in a journal or talk to a friend but don’t blog it for the entire world to see. These were my thoughts. I have since decided to throw those away, like many other old thoughts and habits. I just want to blog dang it. I want to tell people about my not so cool life. Even if no one reads this beside my mom and my sister, it feels good to blog. It’s like letting all your stress out onto a piece of paper (or computer screan) and saying "Here, you deal with it." In fact, I am already feeling a lot better just from these 5 minutes of blogging. So, that is that. I am officially a blogger and I like it.

To my future followers,

My hopes are that I keep you entertained, encouraged and empowered to keep reading my posts! The 3E's I shall call them. It is true that I am not a movie star, a professional athlete or even a star teacher. I also have no big news to blog about. No engagement and wedding plans to indulge you with, no baby on the way, no big move, and no job change in the near future to blog about. (Although I have had many thoughts over the year about that last one)  However, I believe this is the unique part about my blog. I am just your normal, average, typical, everyday run of the mill 24 year old 6th grade teacher/coach who is trying to live life to her fullest and thanks god for the chance to do so. I will simply blog about whatever is on my mind. This, believe it or not is A LOT usually. I also really enjoy writing, so this is actually a really good outlet for me. I like to refer to most of my personal writing as rambling, hints the title "Randi's Random ramblings." A perfect fit. Well, fellow bloggers here we go!

*I hope you are not too on edge waiting for my first post. It won’t be long, so just hang in there. J

<3 Randi


Randi's Random Ramblings said...


I figured out how to comment! :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, lets see if I can get it to work. Hope so, I can't wait to read and comment on your future ramblings! Love you lots. Mom

Mrs. Salley said...

Okay, now I can comment with my name!

Unknown said...

Hey, Randi!

Found your blog through Erin's. :-) I just wanted to say that I honestly, absolutely, completely believe you ARE a star teacher! Don't you doubt it!

Randi's Random Ramblings said...

Aw, Thank you Anne! You are too sweet. I love working with you. :)